Experiencing Christ

Making Confession to God

1Jn 1:8  If we boast that we have no sin, we’re only fooling ourselves and are strangers to the truth. 
1Jn 1:9  But if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them, he will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just to forgive us our sins because of Christ, and he will continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

If we are willing to be enlightened by the Lord, He will show us many unrighteous things. Once we see that we are wrong, we should not be afraid of confessing our wrong. When we first become a Christian, it is inevitable that we will make mistakes. The worst thing is being ignorant of our mistakes or refusing to admit our mistakes once we know them. Being ignorant of our mistakes is being in darkness. Sins can be forgiven, but darkness cannot be forgiven. If we confess our sins, the Lord will forgive us. But darkness makes us ignorant of our sins; therefore, we cannot enjoy forgiveness.

If we confess our sins, He, according to His word and based on the redemption through the blood of Jesus, forgives us because He must be faithful in His word and righteous in the blood of Jesus; otherwise, He would be unfaithful and unrighteous. Our confession is needed for His forgiveness. Such forgiveness of God, which is for the restoration of our fellowship with Him, is conditional; it depends on our confession. Both God’s forgiveness and God’s cleansing are needed for the restoration of our broken fellowship with God, that we may enjoy Him in uninterrupted fellowship with a good conscience, a conscience void of offense.

Thought of the Day:

If we are willing to be enlightened by the Lord, He will show us many unrighteous things. Once we see that we are wrong, we should not be afraid of confessing our wrong. Being ignorant of our mistakes is being in darkness. Sins can be forgiven, but darkness cannot be forgiven. If we confess our sins, the Lord will forgive us. But darkness makes us ignorant of our sins; therefore, we cannot enjoy forgiveness.

Prayer Confession:

Dear Lord thank you for availing the blood of Jesus, may your light continue to shine upon me to recognize and confess my sins that i may not live in darkness and ignorance. Amen

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