
Pressing On During The Period Of The Fourth Watch

The period of the fourth watch is obviously the darkest hour during the entire night and it also brings an end to the night. Now it is just such a time as this that we must press on. I well realize that we all have temptations and trials. Yet the greatest peril today is to cool off a little, to compromise somewhat, or to take a brief nap — for we are really tired. At the beginning there was strength to stand, for we were under the constraint of love. But the intervening period has now become so long and the struggle has grown so very difficult that it is easy to become cold.

One brother once commented that he rarely sees people anymore who are still zealous in the Lord’s work after so many years of age. Cooling off one’s faithfulness somewhat is a thing harder to overcome than all other temptations. To overcome sin is possible, but to not become cold from constant sailing against the wind is almost impossible.

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